Vector Spaces and Subspaces

Spaces of Vectors

The space $R^n$ consists of all column vectors $v$ with n components.

“Inside the vector space” means that the result stays in the space.

A subspace of a vector space is a set of vectors (including 0) that satisfies two requirments:

If $v$ and $w$ are vectors in the subspace and $c$ is any scalar, then

(i) $v$ + $w$ is in the subspace

(ii) $cv$ is in the subspace

Every subspace contains the zero vector.

The column space consists of all linear combinations of the columns.

The system $Ax=b$ is solvable if and only if $b$ is in the column space of $A$.

The Nullspace of A: Solving Ax == 0

The nullspace of $A$ consists of all solutions to $Ax = 0$. $N(A)$ is a subspace of $R^n$.

The nullspace consists of all combinations of the special solutions.

The reduced row echelon matrix $R$ has zeros above the pivots

The Rank and the Row Reduced Form

The rank of $A$ is the number of pivots.This number is $r$.

$Ax=0$ has $r$ pivots and $n-r$ free variables.N(A) contains the $n-r$ special solutions.

The Complete Solution to $Ax = b$

rank R A Ax = b solution
$r=m=n$ $\begin{bmatrix} I \end{bmatrix}$ Square and invertible 1
$r=m<n$ $\begin{bmatrix} I & F \end{bmatrix}$ Short and wide
$r=n<m$ $\begin{bmatrix} I \ 0 \end{bmatrix}$ Tall and thin 0 or 1
$r<n,r<m$ $\begin{bmatrix} I & F \ 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix}$ Not full rank 0 or ∞

Independence, Basis and Dimension

The columns of $A$ are independent if $x = 0$ is the only solution to $Ax = 0$.

The vectors $v_1, \ldots , v_r$ span a space if their combinations fill that space.

The sequence of vectors $v_1,\ldots,v_n$ is linearly independent if the only combination that gives the zero vector is $0v_1+0v_2+0v_3+\cdots+0v_n$.


  • elimination produces n pivots
  • the inverse exists
  • non-singular matrix
  • The column of $A$ are independent
  • the rank of $A$ equals to $n$
  • There are $n$ pivots and no free variables
  • Only $x=0$ is in the nullspace

The row space of $A$ is $C (A^T)$. It is the column space of $A^T$.

A basis for a vector space is a sequence of vectors with two properties: The basis vectors are linearly independent and they span the space.

The dimension of the space is the number of vectors in every basis.

Dimensions of the Four Subspaces


本文链接地址: 线性代数导论 (3-Vector Spaces and Subspaces)